Our Mission:
Love God With Everything
Love People Through Everything
Build Disciples Who Make Disciples
Our Vision
Our prayer is to become a faith community that develops and sends out misisonal groups in Emporia, Lyon County, and other areas as called by God.
Our Core values
We Embrace God
None of it matters if we aren't entirely living our lives chasing after God.
Embrace Church will provide inspired, relevant teaching from the Word of God, encourage the diligent study of scripture, wait on His leading, and call people to the obedience of God's word. (Matt. 22:37, 2 Tim. 3:16)
We Embrace All People
The entire narrative of scripture is one that includes all people regardless of political ideology, race, nationality, language, or gender. God welcomes all people into a transformative relationship with Him and expects the same of His people.
Embrace Church will be a grace-giving church known for people who treat others with kindness, acceptance, forgiveness, and grace just as God has done for us. (Rom. 12:9-10, Eph. 4:32, Matt. 22:39, Gal. 3:23-29)
We Embrace Outrageous Generosity
God is outrageously generous with us and expects us to be outrageously generous in return through the sacrificial offering of our time, talents, and resources.
Embrace Church will be a church that generously gives of itself fully and unconditionally towards the spreading of the Gospel and building of the body of believers. (1 John 3:16-18, 2 Cor. 9:6-8, Rom. 12:1, 1 Pet. 4:10)
We Embrace missional living
The Church's mission is not just a Sunday morning routine. Instead, it is a daily act of sacrifice to embrace people where they are, so they can hear and be transformed by the Gospel.
Embrace Church will be a church that lives missionally by meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals and groups within Emporia, Lyon County, and other areas as called by God to share and be the Gospel. (Matt. 28:18-20, John 20:21)
Embrace Church is a member of The Wesleyan Church. You can find out more about our denomination by visiting this link.