Clothing Giveaway
2:00 PM14:00

Clothing Giveaway

Everyone is invited to come to 428 Union St. We have new and gently used clothes and shoes for men, women, and kids of all ages. Everything is completely free. Our giveaways are on the first Sunday of every month except in July and December.
How it works:
Show up. We will have bags for you to take. Whatever fits in the bag is yours!
You can help us out! Share this event! Let your friends know! If you know someone who could wear some clothes but can't make it, feel free to pick something out for them!

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Community Easter Egg Hunt
1:00 PM13:00

Community Easter Egg Hunt

All are invited to our annual Easter Egg Hunt at Fremont Park!

We will have eggs for Littles all the way up to kids in 6th grade! We would love for you to come out and let your kiddos enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt! The hunt will begin at 1 pm sharp!

Kids will hunt based on grade.
Pre-K and Under
Kindergarten-3rd Grade
4th-6th Grade

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Church Work Day
9:00 AM09:00

Church Work Day

While our focus and mission are the people outside the walls of our building for the good of the city and the glory of God, we have some chores we need to take care of! We’d love your help as we manage some repairs, minor improvements, and spring cleaning!

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Clothing Giveaway
2:00 PM14:00

Clothing Giveaway

Everyone is invited to come to 428 Union St. We have new and gently used clothes and shoes for men, women, and kids of all ages. Everything is completely free. Our giveaways are on the first Sunday of every month except in July and December.
How it works:
Show up. We will have bags for you to take. Whatever fits in the bag is yours!
You can help us out! Share this event! Let your friends know! If you know someone who could wear some clothes but can't make it, feel free to pick something out for them!

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Go Sunday!
10:30 AM10:30

Go Sunday!

Some Sundays, instead of meeting how we typically do, we go out to do good on the Sabbath. On these Sundays, we gather as normal at 10:30 am, pray together, and then go out into our community to do good for the city and for the glory of God through organized service and community based volunteer opportunities. We make sure to find opportunities for people of all ages and skills. We call these days Go Sunday.

If you are someone who isn't too sure about sitting in a worship service for an hour, but who loves to help people and make new friends, then please consider joining us this Sunday. It’s an opportunity for us to live out our worship through acts of service. It’s a way for us to put the words and life of Jesus into practice in our own neighborhoods.

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Clothing Giveaway
2:00 PM14:00

Clothing Giveaway

Everyone is invited to come to 428 Union St. We have new and gently used clothes and shoes for men, women, and kids of all ages. Everything is completely free. Our giveaways are on the first Sunday of every month except in July and December.
How it works:
Show up. We will have bags for you to take. Whatever fits in the bag is yours!
You can help us out! Share this event! Let your friends know! If you know someone who could wear some clothes but can't make it, feel free to pick something out for them!

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Annual Local Church Conference
11:30 AM11:30

Annual Local Church Conference

After service on Sunday, June 8th, we will have our annual local church conference. This yearly meeting is meant to ensure that every person who calls Embrace Church “their church” is fully informed about how the church is run, what decisions need to be made, and give input into the direction of the church. We would love for you to join us, help select the next elders of Embrace, and enjoy lunch together.

Pulled pork will be provided! If you are able, bring a dish to share!

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Clothing Giveaway
2:00 PM14:00

Clothing Giveaway

Everyone is invited to come to 428 Union St. We have new and gently used clothes and shoes for men, women, and kids of all ages. Everything is completely free. Our giveaways are on the first Sunday of every month except in July and December.
How it works:
Show up. We will have bags for you to take. Whatever fits in the bag is yours!
You can help us out! Share this event! Let your friends know! If you know someone who could wear some clothes but can't make it, feel free to pick something out for them!

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Clothing Giveaway
2:00 PM14:00

Clothing Giveaway

Everyone is invited to come to 428 Union St. We have new and gently used clothes and shoes for men, women, and kids of all ages. Everything is completely free. Our giveaways are on the first Sunday of every month except in July and December.
How it works:
Show up. We will have bags for you to take. Whatever fits in the bag is yours!
You can help us out! Share this event! Let your friends know! If you know someone who could wear some clothes but can't make it, feel free to pick something out for them!

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Clothing Giveaway (Copy)
2:00 PM14:00

Clothing Giveaway (Copy)

Everyone is invited to come to 428 Union St. We have new and gently used clothes and shoes for men, women, and kids of all ages. Everything is completely free. Our giveaways are on the first Sunday of every month except in July and December.
How it works:
Show up. We will have bags for you to take. Whatever fits in the bag is yours!
You can help us out! Share this event! Let your friends know! If you know someone who could wear some clothes but can't make it, feel free to pick something out for them!

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Clothing Giveaway
2:00 PM14:00

Clothing Giveaway

Everyone is invited to come to 428 Union St. We have new and gently used clothes and shoes for men, women, and kids of all ages. Everything is completely free. Our giveaways are on the first Sunday of every month except in July and December.
How it works:
Show up. We will have bags for you to take. Whatever fits in the bag is yours!
You can help us out! Share this event! Let your friends know! If you know someone who could wear some clothes but can't make it, feel free to pick something out for them!

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