What is Go Sunday?

When Jesus would meet with people, He worked to meet both physical and spiritual needs. We love to worship on Sunday. We love to be together, pray together, learn together, and encourage one another on to acts of service and love (check out Hebrews 10:25-26). One way that we do that is by coming together to be sent out. So, occasionally on a Sunday morning, we don’t show up to sit, but to work. We go out into our community to serve, mow, rake leaves, pick up trash, clean up the park, and help however we can.

If you aren’t able to help in those ways, there is work to be done at our ministry center to help our community too. Our clothing giveaway is always looking for people to sort clothing and the garden could always use tending. If you have kids, they are welcome to hang back or go out with the adults and help out. We hope you will join us for this time of service!