Ready to accept God’s gift of salvation? That is great news! Because of God’s work in you, you have been saved!
Confess and believe. Are you ready? Then pray this prayer. The prayer isn’t what does the work, but your trust in God that does.
Jesus Christ,
I know I have messed up in my life. I have sinned, and that has created a barrier between you and me. I need your forgiveness. I know I can’t do it on my own. I want to turn away from everything that I know is wrong. Right now, I choose to trust in you. I choose to accept your free gift of eternal life, and I believe that your sacrificial death freed me from this sin-baggage I have carried for so long. Please come into my life, renew me, love me and stay with me forever.
Thank you, Jesus.
This is a great day! And now that you are in Christ, there is nothing that will separate you from the love of God. The coming days and years may be difficult, but if God is for you, then nothing can stand against you because of the work of God in your life.